Working papers
Large Devaluations, Heterogeneous Consumption Adjustments, and Macroeconomic Implications
​Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Invoicing Currency: Different Patterns at the Border and the Store (With Bernardo Candia and Youyou Xu).
Work in Progress
​​​Closing the Connectivity Gap between the Rich and Poor: Online Governance Reform for Internet Market Failures (With Bernardo Candia and Jelena Laketic).
Firms’ Price Setting and Market Power During Episodes of High Inflation (With Luis Felipe Cespedes and Patricio Toro).
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Input-Output Linkages (With Akira Ishide and Sihwan Yang).
Exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy, and real exchange rates: Iceland and the 2008 crisis (With Sebastian Edwards). Open Economies Review, Vol. 33 (2), pp. 197-230, 2022. NBER working paper. In media: VoxEU, UCLA Anderson Review.
Accumulation of reserves in emerging and developing countries: mercantilism versus insurance (With José De Gregorio). Review of World Economics, Vol. 155, pp. 819-857, 2019. Working Paper.
International banking and cross-border effects of regulation: Lessons from Chile (With Alejandro Jara). International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 13 No. S1, pp. 95-127, 2017. Working Paper.
Other Pre-doctoral Research:
The demand for cash: Stylized facts and substitution by electronic means of payment (With Alejandro Jara). CEPAL Review, Number 135, pp. 129-157, 2021.
International exposure of Chilean banking system: characteristics and risk (With Alejandro Jara and Faruk Miguel). Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), Nota de Investigación Económica, Central Bank of Chile, Vol. 20 Number 3, 2017.